My Slimming World Tips to A Successful Week


So here are my top tips which I feel always gives me a successful week, try them out they make work for you! 🙂



Okay so I am more than likely the most disorganized person in the world. I’m generally late for things, I don’t even own a measuring jug, I leave everything and anything I have to do till the last minute, so even the word plan sends physical shivers down my spine. But however, saying this, I found that planning my meals ahead, and writing out a pre food diary for the week was the only way I would stick to my diet. I would have to follow my food diary like it was the bible, mainly because I only shopped accordingly to my food diary, which I will get to later. But planning your meals in advance means, there is no faffing about later during the week in the kitchen confused to what to make for dinner and you have no excuse to not cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Now get to it ladies.

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