I am having a seedy love affair with food


Bonjourno my lovely people!

So as you may have noticed… This blog post is about 5 days late!  First of all let me just say, I do not own a laptop charger. I depend solely on the use of my flatmates. He went away for the week which left me completely laptop less and extremely bored. The woes of a graduate!

So I could easily come on here and lie to you about my weigh in. I want to, because a part of me is ashamed. I knew eating that slice of banoffee pie and laziness when it came to measuring out portions, would bite me in the ass and believe me it did. It came back and punched me with an extra pounded added on to my body. When I read the scales, I wasn’t upset or even shocked, I accepted my punishment for not sticking with my diet and being a general food whore. I swallowed my pride and said “Fuck it. Try harder this week

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My Slimming World Tips to A Successful Week


So here are my top tips which I feel always gives me a successful week, try them out they make work for you! 🙂



Okay so I am more than likely the most disorganized person in the world. I’m generally late for things, I don’t even own a measuring jug, I leave everything and anything I have to do till the last minute, so even the word plan sends physical shivers down my spine. But however, saying this, I found that planning my meals ahead, and writing out a pre food diary for the week was the only way I would stick to my diet. I would have to follow my food diary like it was the bible, mainly because I only shopped accordingly to my food diary, which I will get to later. But planning your meals in advance means, there is no faffing about later during the week in the kitchen confused to what to make for dinner and you have no excuse to not cooking up a storm in the kitchen. Now get to it ladies.

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Operation Transformation


Let go of the past, and it will let go of you

Sometimes a major transformation does not just have to be physical, I am not sure if the majority of people reading this who have been struggling with weight issues can relate, but I know personally speaking, having weight issues causes a deeper slice in your mental health and self image than your physical and health well being could.

I am going to give the ignorant and judgmental people of the world a lesson today in the art of empathy and consideration.  I feel that this is an extremely important lesson for people to learn, but sadly some untrained people still have to re-take the class and I am expecting people to practice it in everyday life. For those people who have looked at someone who was overweight and sniggered, for those boys or girls who have forced their love ones into changing their bodies for their satisfaction, and to those people who have believed every laugh, snigger and negative word about your physical appearance was your fault,  you should really listen up and continue reading.

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A Long Weekend of Heaving Drinking & A Big Mac

So here I am 2 days late with my blog entry, still trying to cure my Charlie Sheen like hangover. I will start by telling you that my weigh in happened pre rockstar weekend. I weighed myself on Friday, as I knew that the weekend one was going to be a heavy one, and I would have put back on all those pounds that I had lost.

I knew that if I had weighed myself on Monday, I wouldnt have weighed any less because of all the syns, calories, and fat I would have consumed over the weekend. After working my lady balls off at the gym, and sticking to my diet like a saint, it would have pissed me off and I would have given up.

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Drumroll please….

So yesterday I had my weigh in. I wasn’t expecting much and just knew to not have high hopes about the whole thing and if I did lose weight..amazing, if not, work my bum off this week.

This week I had weighed in at 97KG. Which is pound gone off me since last week. A loss is always better than a gain. And a gain definitely wouldn’t have shocked me. So I was pretty happy with that.

Then as for measurements, as I am doing some weight lifting after my cardio workout. I thought I’d check to see if I had trimmed in , and maybe those blood sweat and tears in weight room burned any fat.

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End Of Week 1

Okay so here I am again on my bloggy blog (That is ridiculously fun to say, go on, say it. You will thank me for it )

End of the week, the Sunday drab. Sunday’s just remind me of food, and just nice things. All I want to do on a Sunday is just curl up with a million calories and eat myself into a stomach rupture.

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